Friday, February 6, 2015

A Devotional Thought From Psalms

My foot standeth in and even place: in the congregations will I bless the LORD.     Psalm 26:12

I want to lift this verse out of its Old Testament context, and apply it in my own life context as a pastor and preacher. I stand in an even place, on a stable footing, because I have received the call, the support, and the love of the congregations I have served throughout my more than 45 year preaching ministry. In the congregations of churches I’ve served and others where I have ministered I have blessed the Lord. I have declared His righteousness, His mercy, His grace, His word, His Son Jesus Christ, His Gospel, His return. I bless His name. I hope that many of those who heard my preaching have come to know God, and/or found great blessings from the preaching of His word that I have had the privilege of giving, and still occasionally have, in the pulpit.

As a preacher I have proclaimed His marvelous words in Baptist churches (Naturally, I am a Baptist.) as well, in various situations, Presbyterian, Reformed, Lutheran, Episcopalian, African Methodist Episcopal Zion, United Methodist, Covenant, and Roman Catholic churches, in addition to Rescue Missions and Christian radio programs, Boy Scout Vesper Services. The word of God is the word of God, and it is for all believers in Christ (and it is given to the whole world of people) no matter by what religious name they identify themselves. Those who personally trust in Jesus Christ as Savior are His universal congregation, and I have, and will, bless the Lord among them as He gives me opportunity, ability, and strength. I bless the LORD for this joyous ministry He has given to me.

1 comment:

Dr K said...

In light of today's devotional thought consider Psalm 30:4: Sing unto the LORD, O ye saints of his, and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.