Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Devotional Thought From Daniel

And as the toes of the feet were part iron, and part clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.              Daniel 2:42

The great image King Nebuchadnezzar saw in his famous dream recorded by Daniel in chapter 2 contained a portion that referred to one of the great kingdoms of past history to us, but future history to him.

Most interpreters of Scripture agree this passage, Daniel 2:42, speaks of the Roman Empire. It is from this passage we get our modern-day phrase “feet of clay.” This kingdom, says Daniel, “shall be partly strong, and partly broken.”

It is easy enough to determine today's nation states (kingdoms as it were) that are partly strong and partly broken.

Strong nations have (iron);
the rule of righteous and merciful law;
they are following God’s word;
they allow freedom of thought and expression;
they have quiet neighborhoods;
they have righteous governments as governments go;
they support traditional moral values.

Broken nations have (clay);
lawbreaking as the norm;
rejecting the Bible;
no tolerance for opposing views;
violence in the streets;
duplicitous government;
everyone does what is right in their own eyes.

Nations today need to revive what makes them strong, and discard what breaks them. This happens in the individual, and transfers to the nation, as one by one people turn from sin to righteousness, from being broke to being strong. So if you want your nation to be greatly blessed, and that means everyone in the land, repent of that which makes it broken.