Friday, February 20, 2015

A Devotional Thought From Psalms

Fill their faces with shame; that they may seek thy name, O LORD.     Psalms 86:16

     In the midst of this “imprecatory” song (that’s a fancy word for, at best, an angry, vengeance filled, retaliatory statement) by the Psalm writer Asaph, likely a priest or Levite, he reaches what I consider a high point of the prayer against the enemies of God’s people in verse 16. Fill their faces with shame... Oh, how we wish God would do that to the purveyors of “modern” terrorism (modern in quotes because terrorist behavior throughout all of mankind’s history has been brutal and bloody, selfish and rotten). Shame them for the bloodletting, and persecution, and war they are consciously and callously bringing upon the world. It is not necessary to repeat the gory details here, they are readily available on TV news and to the users of the Internet. Oh that God would bring shame to their faces, and their hearts and souls, so they can repent of the wrong that they are doing, and so that they might seek the LORD; find Him, love Him, be born again by Him, and, they themselves become a blessing not a curse to the world.

     I pray that God will bring an evangelical movement of the Holy Spirit amongst the terrorists of Isis, Boko Haram, and all other terrorist organizations and individuals around the world so that we will see immediate change in them because they find the truth in the One who said, I am the way, the truth, and the life… Jesus, and they will give up terrorism for the glory of Jesus. Amen.

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