Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A Devotional Thought From Psalms

Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people.     Psalm 96:3

God is glorious, and His glory can be seen in everything He does from creating the earth to the promise of the new heavens and earth that will one day be the reality of the universe. His glory is seen in the fact that He is a loving God, who loves all the peoples of the earth. As the children’s hymn has it, “red and yellow black and white they are precious in the sight.” This glorious God offers forgiveness and salvation to anyone who desires to know Him and have that salvation. He has made that salvation a reality by sending His own Son Jesus Christ to the cross of Calvary where Christ died for our sins carrying them away once for all. Anyone: male or female; of any ethnic group or religion; old or young; rich or poor; empowered or powerless; blind, death and, dumb or completely healthy; here, there, and everywhere; anyone who desires to know this glorious God and receive His love revealed and given in Jesus Christ, who calls upon the Lord to be saved will be saved. Many other glorious things of Him are spoken, but for today let our attention be upon this glory, the Lord is the God of salvation. The Lord is the God of new life. The Lord is the glorious God above all things Who came to earth to save human kind. I declare His glory, He has given me salvation.

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