Monday, January 26, 2015

A Devotional Thought From Psalms

Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.     Psalm 2:10-12

This messianic psalm brings a message to leaders of the world: kings; presidents; premiers; leaders of terrorist mobs, gangs, and armies; satraps; princes; sheiks; warlords; those by whatever name they may be designated or self-identified. Being a wise leader is to serve the LORD with fear and trembling because He is in control of all things. He is Ruler of the universe, earthly leaders who despise and fight against His universal order have no chance to come out victorious or unpunished. The psalmist gives them the advice to kiss the Son. In the days in which he was writing, and it is still true today, if you were close to the king’s son, a good friend, you were usually in good graces with the king (unless the king was mentally or spiritually unstable like Saul in the Old Testament, and Herod, the Great, in the New). In the normal context of Psalm 2, and the New Testament context of grace, if you are in with God’s Son you are in with God, the Father. Then God’s Holy Spirit indwells and guides you through life. Specifically, to government leaders this Triune God declares that leaders, by whatever name, are ministers of God to people for good (Romans 13:4). What a concept: leaders of the world are supposed to do good for their people, and as circumstances permit all people. Good does not include mass executions, unjust wars, beheadings or crucifixions because someone is of a different religion, destruction of families or decent society, persecutions, corruption, starvation or general unrighteousness. Leaders of the world if you want to be blessed and want your people to be blessed trust in the God of the Bible and serve Him with joy as well as fear. Get close to the Son by faith in Him, Jesus Christ God’s Son Savior.

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