Saturday, January 17, 2015

A Devotional Thought From Job

He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength: who has hardened himself against him, and hath prospered?     Job 9:4

          Job’s laments are filled with human thought and feeling - some right on target, some a misunderstanding of God and how God acts in human affairs. Unless God explains Himself, He is incomprehensible. In this case Job has a clear principle correct. If a person hardens himself against God, refuses to follow God’s leading, rejects God’s teaching, denies a relationship with God, in the long run of life (and sometimes the immediate short term) that person will not prosper. That lack of prosperity may show itself in: poverty of temporal blessings; poverty of dysfunctional family or friends; poverty of peace and safety due to war; poverty of education, freedom, happiness; poverty of eternal satisfaction in the presence of and in relationship with God.

          Job is, of course, speaking of the One and only true God who has explained Himself in the Bible. Some will say, “Job’s God is not the God of all religions.” They would be right. They might say, “I have the right to choose my own god.” They would be right. But Job also is right. Those who harden themselves against the God of the Bible will ultimately not prosper. He is wise and mighty in strength, and His will will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Choose ye this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house we will serve the LORD, the God of the Bible and all that He has created.

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