Monday, December 22, 2014

Christmas In The Carols

The 14th century Latin Christmas Carol, one of my favorites, Good Christian Men Rejoice gives us the clear understanding that Christmas (the coming of Christ) is life. True Christmas in the heart gives eternal life. Christ is Christmas! He has come, and if we truly trust in Him as Savior and Lord “Now ye need not fear the grave.” God is with us to save us! And, He calls us one, and calls us all to gain His everlasting hall. All, every person in the entire world is invited to eternal forgiveness and life by making Christmas real through trusting in the Savior who came among us to save us. Those are the good tidings the angel spoke of to all people. Those are the tidings that bespeak God’s good will to all men.  To be right with God it is not enough to put up decorations, or to despise the holiday because you belong to a different faith, to know true Christmas one must know Christ by asking Him into your heart to save and change, and enlighten you. As the apostle Paul put it: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, and thy house (Acts 16:31).

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