Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A Devotional Thought From 2 Chronicles

For the LORD brought Judah low because of Ahaz king of Israel; for he made Judah naked, and transgressed sore against the LORD.     2 Chronicles 28:19

This verse illustrates two things. One, it points out that the ruler (King, President, Premier, Governor, dictator, Chancellor, Czar, warlord, gang leader) can be the determinative factor in whether a nation (or organization) thrives or dives, hits the heights or sinks in the mud. Judah suffered hard times because Ahaz did not do right in God’s eyes. A nation following a wicked leader is headed for hard times, if not a disaster.
If you are ruler, in a big or small way, do what is right in the eyes of God and your people will be blessed. So will you be! If you don’t you are leading your followers down the primrose path to some sort of earthly perdition. The record and assessment of history will put you right down there with Ahaz, not up there with leaders like George Washington.

Secondly, this passage has an intuitive warning to people who have the privilege to choose their own leader. As much as you have occasion influence your nation toward the wise and godly leader, otherwise you throw your nation under the bus as much as the Ahaz-like leader does.

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