Saturday, September 6, 2014

A Devotional Verse From The Book of Deuteronomy
Keep therefore the words of this covenant, and do them, that ye may prosper in all that ye do.
Deuteronomy 29:9
Chapters 28 and 29 of Deuteronomy are filled with two lists: one of blessings and one of curses. The blessing list is wonderful, and the list of curses is horrific. God told his ancient people that one or the other of these lists would be their experience based upon whether they obeyed the rules for life that He set before them in their covenants. Do the things that God says and blessings will fill your life, do the things that God says not to do and curses will fill your life.

Today, the principle still holds true. Christian nations, or those who have Christian heritage and still retain some memory of New Testament morality and religious understanding, give away their best chance for prosperity, peace, and blessings, by turning away from the teaching of God (the one, holy, living, God of the Bible). The pleasure seeking morality of modern Western nations crumbles the will to stand and resist that which is evil, and the nation without a moral backbone can become prey to terrorist invaders of many sorts. As unpopular as it is in the current let me have what  I want to have and do what I want to do without interference culture of the West our greatest security and expectation of good lives comes from believing God and following His principles for right living.

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