Saturday, September 27, 2014

A Devotional Verse From The Book Of Judges

And I said unto you, I am the LORD your God; fear not the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell: but ye have not obeyed my voice.     Judges 6:10

          The book of Judges shows us a very important principle for national living. God’s chosen people had been led into the land of Canaan as their homeland. They were to follow, serve, and obey the God of creation, the God of the Torah, the God who had chosen them, but they did not always obey. They were often drawn away from the true God to worship false gods, and commit the atrocities that were associated with such false gods. As a result the living LORD would deliver them into the hands of their enemies, and they would suffer persecution and poverty. When they would return to the true God and call upon him for help, God would raise up a strong, believing leader (called judges) and would deliver His people from her enemies.

          The principle that follows is that when any nation turns from the true God to the false gods of religion, pornography, deceit, criminality, violence, the dissolution of families, and so many of the evils that are perpetrated throughout the nations of the world, those nations find themselves falling on hard times. When a nation preserves, supports, and encourages its people to follow the traditional morality of the biblical scriptures that nation finds itself on a path to prosperity and peace. Even in those nations where non-biblical religion is dominant, the greater the amount of biblical morality held by that society, the greater their progress and prosperity.

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