Monday, September 9, 2019

A Devotional Thought From 1 John

And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full. 1 John 1:4

John writes this letter with at least this verse as one of the most important ideas he wants to transmit to the Christians of his day. He indicates, the things I’m writing to you about the reality of Christ, the dangers of sin and false doctrine, the knowledge of God, the need to love your fellow Christians, the assurance of eternal life, I write to you so that your joy may be full. The written word and your personal knowledge of it produce joy and more joy.

This sincere, personal, clear theological treatise is meant to make the joy you feel in trusting Jesus as your Savior, be ever more full and fulfilling than it is now.

The word of God in all its teachings, not just 1 John, is this wonderful tool that God uses, not just to teach, and bring us to being born again, but the Bible is a book of His speaking in His own voice, and like Adam in the garden, we know He is calling to us through it. Once we begin putting the word of Scripture into our heart it has this amazing joy producing capacity.

Want to be joyful? Get into the reading, studying, praying, and obedience of the Bible.

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