Friday, May 24, 2019

A Devotional Thought From Daniel

Wherefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and break off thy sins by righteousness, and thine iniquities by showing mercy to the poor; if it may be a lengthening of thy tranquility.  Daniel 4:27

Daniel had just announced God’s judgment on Nebuchadnezzar. It was a personal judgment. The mightiest ruler in the known world, the richest king in the world, the most feared king in the world, would live like an animal for seven years. He would eat grass, and live out of doors like a wild animal until he knew that the heavens (God) rule all.

Now if a President, Prime Minister, Emperor, or other titled ruler, today heard such a prediction from a preacher what might he/she think?

How wild, how wacky, how impossible, how nutso! It is no wonder nobody pays attention to God’s spokesman anymore. That could never happen.

An interesting thing about this passage (Daniel 4) is that Daniel did not get in trouble for saying this to Nebuchadnezzar. A proud and insensitive king like Nebuchadnezzar could have had Danile cut in pieces for saying such a thing. Nebuchadnezzar had already had experience with Daniel’s prophetic witness from God. He knew not to doubt. If Daniel says it then God has given him the knowledge. It’s going to happen. The comfort that Nebuchadnezzar had was that Daniel said after these times of living like an animal Nebuchadnezzar would be restored to his throne.

So now look carefully at what Daniel counseled the king. Break off thy sins by righteousness, in other words start doing good and turning from evil, and break off thine iniquities by showing mercy to the poor.

The judgment has already been pronounced. So why change these things? What good will it do? Nebuchadnezzar might’ve asked.

Daniel says, “If it may be a lengthening of thy tranquility.”

God might hold the punishment off a little longer if you reform yourself, your actions, and your country. Perhaps, Nebuchadnezzar did, because the judgment did not occur for another year (Daniel 4:29).

Maybe there are leaders in our world who through evil deeds, and failing to recognize the role of heaven, may have set themselves, and their nations, up for serious trouble. That trouble may be coming fast, but if the leaders, and people change their evil ways, and respond to God’s word the time of their trouble might be delayed, because of God’s grace. 

Turning from sin always brings positive results.

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