Friday, February 1, 2019

Another Thought From The Psalms

He turneth rivers into a wilderness, and the watersprings into dry ground; A fruitful land into barrenness, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein. Psalm 107:33.34

These two verses speak of both the power of God, and the judgment of God. If he desires he can turn a beautiful, verdant, pastureland fed by a vibrant flowing river into a wilderness; a lush and pleasant, productive, flood plain into a desert. What follows is a natural result of the dryness. He can turn a fruitful land into barrenness, producing famine and the terrible things that come with it.

A natural question coming from such a statement is, why would God do such a thing? Why would he put the inhabitants of such a land into such a time of distress?

The answer concludes the two verses, “for the wickedness of them that dwell there.” Because the people who live in the land are doing things that are wicked. Wickedness perpetrated by the populace can put a nation at risk for losing its blessings.

This nation, America, has been a blessed, bountiful land, well- watered, and fruitful, in so many ways most of its storied history. She still is, but it is a land where wickedness is prevalent. Depending on one’s political views various list of what wicked things are among us could be made, and publicized and argued, in most cases without changing anyone’s mind, but there is one wickedness that should be agreed upon, and rejected, by all Americans.

It is wrong to kill viable pre-born babies, and  babies who have been born, some even surviving terrible abortion procedures. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist, or pro-life activist, to know that some things are wicked. Abortion and infanticide are. Some things are just wrong.

So here’s the thought question. Is our nation risking God’s judgment because of our destruction of babies? If He expresses his feelings about this pre-born and after born infanticide will our fruitful land face barrenness?

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