July 13, 2018
Why A Revival Of Biblical Faith And Behavior Would Benefit
America Or Any Nation
And Pharaoh said, Who
is the LORD, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the
LORD, neither will I let Israel go.
Exodus 5:2
Many individuals, in this country and others around the
world, if they spoke the true feelings of their hearts and minds about the God
of the Bible, would echo the words of the Pharaoh of the Exodus as they are
stated in Chapter 5 verse 2 of the book of Exodus in the Bible.
If they were candid they would say “I know not the LORD.” Like Pharaoh did. Why should I obey him? Why should I follow his commands? Why should I accept
his moral standards?
Pharaoh then said “neither will I let Israel go.” To
paraphrase, I do what I want to do even though what God wants is something
different. I think it is fair to say, that feeling, pervades those today who do
not know the Lord, and as a result the land(s) is filled with their reckless
sinful behavior. And, their reckless sinful behavior affects the entire nation.
What Pharaoh should have known is that he was setting
himself, and his nation, up for judgment. Pharaoh’s magicians summed it up when
they said together to their head of government, “knowest thou not yet that
Egypt is destroyed? (Exodus 10:17).
If such a thing could happen to the greatest national power
on earth at that time because of disobedience to God…Well, you get the point.
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