Saturday, September 10, 2016

A Devotional Thought From Jeremiah

They have belied the LORD, and said, It is not he; neither shall evil come upon us; neither shall we see sword nor famine:     Jeremiah 5:12

                The prophet Jeremiah gave some hard to swallow news to the people of Israel, the northern kingdom, and to Judah, the southern kingdom. And, at some point they rejected it. 

                 This is the word of the Lord, the prophet thundered. Pay attention. God has spoken, and it is not good news to the nation, and people who do not repent and change their wicked ways. The marching feet of invaders will thump like thunder. The crops and herds of the land will be baked and roasted to feed the enemy soldiers. Their swords will strike down many amidst the terrorized screams of a defeated people. The people of Israel and Judah, even though they are my people, will be crying, Woe unto us! for we are spoiled (4:13).

                Here is their response to this hard message. That’s not God speaking. We can’t believe he would do that. We won’t be invaded. We won’t be butchered. We won’t starve. That’s just your idea Jeremiah, and we don’t believe you.

                Dear modern-day reader, do you know what happened to Israel and Judah in those days? Do you think it could happen to your country today? Do you think there is a way for a nation today to get out from under such judgment? Food for thought!

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