Tuesday, August 16, 2016

A Devotional Thought From Proverbs

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule the people mourn.     Proverbs 29:2

The people of any nation want to be happy. They want their kids to be able to go to school without being propositioned to take drugs, or tempted to view pornography, or shot by marauding thugs. They want markets to provide good food sold honestly, and doctors to be well trained and effective in maintaining good health, and many other things. They want to rejoice in all good things, and what the Bible makes clear here and in other passages is that such a comfortable life style for all the population comes closest to fruition when the politicians and government leaders are righteous. They do the right thing. So any people, any nation, who wants peaceful , good lives should put righteous leaders into place.

            On the contrary when the wicked are in power the nation mourns. They mourn the poverty and crime of the inner cities, the drug problems in the suburbs and small towns, as well as, the inner cities. They mourn the failure of government for all their people. And they mourn many other problems as well.  And while some leaders are clearly and outspokenly wicked, many are wicked unwittingly. Unwitting because they parrot suggested ideas and principles they know do not explain or legitimately solve the problems their nations experience so the mourning continues.

            For the people to rejoice in any country they need to seek and employ righteous leaders, and follow righteous ways.

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