Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Some Hold These Truths To Be Self-evident

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.     Psalm 33:12

America is not a theocracy. It is a nation whose founders, not all but many, knew that a nation that willingly and overtly embraced the Judeo-Christian values of the Bible would be a nation that embraced freedom, prosperity for all, and be a shining city upon a hill.

They also knew the contrary side of that equation, that a country which shuns the principles God has brought them through His revelation will be a nation that embraces sin, whether it is sexual immorality, improper behavior in all relationships, tearing down traditions of truth, and law breaking of all sorts.

The first of these two scenarios is better for any country. And, the percentage of the population who embrace God’s truth determines how good the life of that nation will be. For example: if 100% of the citizens follow the teaching of God’s word then the only dangers to the good life in that country will be those caused by nature: storms, tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes and drought, pestilence, etc. The fewer the percentage who follow God’s word the more man-made dangers infect that nation: theft, adultery, murder, maliciousness, drunk driving, drug addictions, muggings, terrorism, and on and on through the entire catalog of sins that so easily, and terribly beset human kind.

Nations like the USA, the United Kingdom, and other democracies once founded upon Christian values are seeing the break down and devolution of what were once great societies. Those societies once gave opportunity for all individuals, of all sorts and conditions, to have the freedom to make the best of their lives (This despite the fact that 100% of the population never embraced the truth totally at any one time, so that some people still suffered because of other’s sins.). The pursuit of happiness as set forth in the Declaration of Independence becomes available to all only as a nation genuinely takes the responsibilities put forward by the word of God seriously, and establishes them as foundational for national, unified, communal life.

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