Saturday, September 26, 2015

A Devotional Thought From Romans

But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith.     Romans 16:26

          A simple and clear thought manifests itself in this verse. The Scriptures (the Bible), in part given through the prophets, made plain the truth of the Gospel, the good news that God had sent a Savior. His name is Jesus Christ, and this truth is made known through those very Scriptures so that all nations will know the truth and obey it.

          In modern society people will often say something like: “Well, that’s your religion, I have my own.” “How can you say your holy book is better than the so-called holy books of other world religions?” “Do you really believe that a book written over a thousand years ago by many different authors in many different circumstances can be true, and must be accepted today?”” Why are you so exclusive when it comes to truth? Can’t there be one truth for you and another for others?”

          The response to all of these thoughts and questions is that the one and only living God has given the Bible for all the nations to follow. Ignore it at your own risk. As an individual, ignore it at your own risk. As a family, ignore it at your own risk. As a nation, ignore it at your own risk. As a body of nations, ignore it at your own risk.

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