Monday, June 15, 2015

 A Devotional Thought From Ezekiel
Make a chain: for the land is full of bloody crimes, and the city is full of violence.     Ezekiel 7:23
What happens when a people so yield themselves to sin that they fill the streets of their own hometown, and their nation as a whole, with the blood of their own people? In the case of God’s people who did this in ancient days, it was the precursor to “chains” for them when an aggressive enemy would conquer their land. Blood in the street leads, one way or another, to captivity.
Whatever the reason; bad schools, minimal welfare payments, a too low minimum wage, the war on drugs, corrupt politics, or whatever the populace complains of; the reality is that people in the cities who are filling the streets with violence do themselves no good. Baltimore, Chicago  are just a two examples of the danger and death and fear that violence brings to the urban areas. In the U.S. as of today the Gun Violence Archive reports over 22,000 shootings this year with 5,650 deaths among them. Such violence in the streets sets a city and a nation up for a fall.
There is no justification for murder and mayhem; drive-by shootings, drug dealing and drug abuse, muggings, rapes, riots, and racial hatred. When people do, or allow, this kind of violence in their communities, they lay the foundation for their own judgment and a spreading pestilence of desolation, that can bring down their own nation.
So what are inner city people to do? How can they begin to straighten out their critical situation? Some would say just leave it to the government. Of course, the government has not been able to solve these issues for decades, and it seems to be getting worse. Government can help, but, in reality, only when the people themselves are working for themselves.
They can begin by repenting of the sins that are killing one another, and making the streets unsafe for all. Get rid of the illegal guns, and refuse the illegal drugs. Respect the rights of others no matter their race, religion, gender or class.
Second, take advantage of what advantages you have. For example: Get the best you can out of the school you attend, even if it’s not the best school, be a good worker even if it’s not the best job.
Peacefully work the politics of personal improvement. Educate yourself to the reasons for the failure of your city, and propose solutions.
Vote in leaders who are willing to positively change the status quo.
Continue to work, save, be a responsible consumer buying only what you can afford and pay for. Pay your bills, find innocent and pure entertainment. Overtime such behavior can transform a life situation.
Develop a culture of good manners, good neighbors, good neighborhoods, good children and teens.

Poverty,  need for education, past problems can all be overcome in an individual’s life, or a city’s or nation’s, but it is not easy, it takes time, dedicated commitment to personal and political change, self-denial, and hard work. Violence and blood in the streets hinders the overcoming.

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