Friday, April 24, 2015

A Devotional Thought From The Prophet Isaiah

And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance forever.     Isaiah 32:17

The LORD God of Israel throughout His speaking to His people, in the inspired Old Testament of the Bible, has given them a constant call to righteousness. Here through Isaiah he defines the great earthly work of righteousness for Israel, and the wonderful effect that it will bring. The work of righteousness is peace, striving for peace, reaching out to other people and other nations and other races and other religions for peace, coming to the One, True, Living God in faith to receive peace with God and of heart and mind and soul. With this constant, daily, moment by moment seeking after peace when it comes the effect is quietness and assurance. People can live in freedom without fear. 

With this standard it is easy to judge the people and groups, and nations who are righteous. They are not those who invade the sovereignty of other nations; they are not those who butcher others because they are of a different ethnic group or religion; they are not those who rejoice in killing and murder; they are not those who use economic terrorism to force others to go against sincerely held religious beliefs; they are not those who participate in drive-by shootings; they are not those who use the cover of legitimate protest to loot and burn; these are not the works of righteousness and people who do them do not seek peace. And, if they do not seek peace they will not find it.

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