Friday, May 16, 2014

A Devotional Verse From Paul's Second Letter to Timothy
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
2 Timothy 3:5

How do you know when the godliness of people who claim godliness, Christian or otherwise, is real? Well, you look for telltale signs. The Bible makes clear that godliness has power to change people. Once an individual has entered into true godliness (whatever that is) some behaviors will naturally (or supernaturally) disappear from their lives: loving themselves above all others; boasting of their own greatness; breaking faith when they have made a truce or agreement; exploding their rage fiercely like ancient warriors consumed with blood lust butchering men because they were of another village, and enslaving and executing even women and children (Compare Paul's list in 2 Timothy 3:1-4). Any watchers of today's television news understand that such atrocities happen even now, and are committed by those who in some way consider themselves godly. They justify outrageous sinful behavior on the basis of their religion.

True godliness on the other hand does not justify sinful behavior, it says wrong is wrong. True godliness causes people to do right. It produces kindness, cooperation, peace, freedom of religion, life not death. Godliness of this sort is not a form but a reality.

True godliness which is peaceable, loving, and life-affirming comes only through receiving Jesus into your heart as Savior and Lord.

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