Monday, June 11, 2007

ABCUSA like Jesus?

Why did Jesus criticize the doctrines and behaviors of the Pharisees? They and He were of the same religion. Some believe that Jesus was of the sect of the Pharisees, one of the boys (so to speak). So why was He often publicly in disagreement with their views? Why didn’t He just overlook their “slant” on things? Live and let live?

The simple answer is that they had gotten it wrong, and it was important for people to know that.

The denomination doesn’t seem to get it. Some things are right, some are wrong. Some match up with the scriptures, and some don’t. And if some things don’t match up, it is important for Bible believers to express that fact. It is important to point out the fact that those who reject the scriptures have got it wrong. ABC leaders should emulate Jesus and be making the case about unbiblical behaviors being wrong.

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