A Devotional Thought From Revelation
And whosoever was not found written in the
book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
The book of life or the lake of fire, if you are not in one you are in
the other.
Being listed in the book of life comes from being rightly related to the
Savior, Jesus, who saves those who cast themselves upon Him by faith. It means,
of course, that all who trust Jesus for salvation are given eternal life to be
with Jesus eternally. This is the good half of this verse, especially if you
realize we all live with eternity and view.
The negative side of the verse is that through lack of faith those not
listed in the book of life are consigned to the lake of fire, or hell. Yes, according to the Bible’s teaching, hell is real. It was prepared as a
terrifying, painful, punishment for the devil (Rev. 20:10) and the wicked angels
that followed him in rebelling against the God of the Bible, Who is the one and only living God of the
universe. Sadly, for those who will not believe the gospel of salvation, thus
rejecting God, because unbelief is rejecting, the lake of fire also will
receive them.
The lake of fire is real. Eternal separation from God is real. The
torment of hell is real. No human mind is big enough in intellect to imagine
how beyond awful this is.
Not everybody is in the book of life, and not everybody goes to hell.
Your destination is determined about your faith.