What Can You Believe?
with God nothing shall be impossible. Luke 1:37
Is God who called the worlds into being unable to
divide the Red Sea?
Is God unable to shut the mouths of lions?
Is God unable to cause a virgin birth?
Is God unable to raise the dead?
Is God unable to heal the sick?
Is God unable to give an inspired book called the
Is God unable to forgive sins?
Is God unable to change the hearts of people?
Is God unable to keep the sun from setting on one
particular day?
Is God unable to rapture the church calling us up to
be with Jesus when he returns?
Is God unable to give the strength to turn from sins?
Some might say to us,
I’m a man or woman of logic. I don’t think what you ask me to believe is
We don’t need to be
stymied by a question like that.
Who decides what is
logical the unbeliever or God?
And, what we need to
remember is that if God says it is logical, it is logical! To paraphrase
(Isaiah 55:8,9) My logic is higher than your logic, and my ways higher than
your ways. Don’t let the unbelievers determine what you believe.