When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the
sky is red. And in the morning, It will be foul weather today: for the sky is
red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, you can discern the face of the sky; but can you
not discern the signs of the times?
Matthew 16:2,3
It is hard for me to believe that the leaders of our country
cannot discern the signs of the times. For decades they have poured hundreds of
millions of taxpayer dollars into the deathly coffers of the Planned Parenthood
organization. Currently $528 million per year, despite the pleas and cries of
millions of Americans who oppose crushing the heads of infants, and ripping them
from their mothers’ wombs, only to learn now that the organization’s trade policies
include “harvesting”the cells and body parts of the same exterminated children.
Nothing personal, of course, just business. And when they are caught haggling
over the prices of these body parts some of our national leaders, instead of
puking and then rebuking Planned Parenthood, attack the people who allowed us
to hear the literal words spoken by Planned Parenthood operatives. These are
the actual words spoken by the PP doctors, they said it, there is no doubt. Perhaps,
like those shouting “Death to America,” Planned Parenthood doesn’t really mean
what they say. I find it hard to believe our Congressmen and Senators cannot
see how red and lowring the sky is this morning. What Planned Parenthood does
is indefensible, and by continuing financial support our leaders show what they
think of babies near term anticipating their upcoming birth, they show what
they think of millions upon millions of American taxpayers who plead not to
have their taxes given to this horrific business, and they show what they think
of our nation itself refusing to see the consequences for our country’s future.
profiteering re: abortion in this nation is a sign of the times, indicating
that the moral storm is not merely coming, it is already here, and the
consequences for a nation without the moral base God has established are
enormous. Repent America!