A Devotional Thought From 1 Samuel
In a world where headlines scream: Ebola in U.S.; war in
Ukraine; terrorists behead another; Christians chased out of Iraq; violence in
the streets; cyber hacking again; riots in the cities; what should
believers do? Follow the example of David.
Once when he and his army had left their city, Ziklag (a
temporary home), it was attacked by marauders and burned. The women and
children, including his wives were captured and taken as slaves. As a result
David’s own men were so distraught they blamed him, and considered killing him
by stoning, a desperate situation to say the least. David’s reaction was: David encouraged himself in the LORD his God
(1 Samuel 30:6).
Believers in the God of the Bible need to encourage
themselves in the Lord. God is able to carry them through. They need to
strengthen their commitment, more and more deeply study and comprehend the
Bible, God’s written word, and go forward in living a peaceful, godly life,
facing as best they can whatever issues lie before them.
None of us knows the joys or sorrows the immediate future
holds, but we know that God is not mocked, that we walk with Him, and He will
be with us even in the valley of the shadow. Christian encourage yourself in
your God, Jesus.